Call for Proposals:

The MSPSA welcomes paper and panel proposals for its 2018 Conference be held on the campus of Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi, February 9-10th, 2018.

Proposals are encouraged from faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students on issues related to the theme, “Politics Beyond Hard Times: Charting Paths Out of Crisis.” Though the Great Recession is behind us, its political aftershocks continue to reverberate, through state, national, and international politics. We seek papers and panels exploring the causes, consequences, and future impacts of these aftershocks. In this bicentennial year, papers focused on their impact on Mississippi are particularly encouraged. Papers and panels on any topic are welcome.

To submit a proposal, please complete Form A and return to:

To register for the conference and become a member, please complete Form B and return to:

Proposal Deadline: December 15, 2017